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Finnmark wind power projects starts public hearing

Updated: Sep 20

Sep. 16, 2024

The two wind power projects developed by H2Carrier's subsidiaries Arktis Energi and Kongsfjord Energi move on to its first public hearing process starting today. This is after receiving prioritization from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) and having updated the initial applications. The two wind projects are Oksefjorden wind farm and Rubbedalshøgda wind farm.

The hearing is especially encouraging local people with local knowledge to give their input on the projects on how to best move forwards with the environmental impact assessments (EIA).

After the hearing is over (February 1. 2025), the application combined with the input from the hearing will form the base for a EIA-program that will uncover to the consequences of the projects. Following the EIA, there will be formed a concession application based on the results of the EIA. The concession application will also have a hearing in 2026/2027 before the potential concession and permit to build will be given by NVE in 2027.

Read more about the projects on their respective websites (only in Norwegian):

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